WBots / WAVITY Bots
- Using WBots / Wavity Bots you can automate all your WBots within hours and extend automation beyond your organization as well.
- Using WBots, you can move data between applications according to conditions you create.
- You can use Triggers to automate recurring actions within your tasks, for example setting a new due date when a task’s status changes.
- Make your own Custom Automations, Automations save you time and increase your productivity.
- Manual work is time-consuming and easy to overlook, take advantage of automation to focus on what really matters.
- The Admin or owner has access to enable Workflow Automation or Wbots in Wavity Platform.
Configuring WBots:
- By default, the WBots is enabled for Admin. Only Admin can manage the WBots.
- To create WBots, Click on User Avatar (Admin Profile) and click on Design Tools.
- Select the specific App and Click on the content icon right corner of the app you want to create WBots. Select WBots from the menu.
- Click on Create Button to create a WBot according to the conditions.
- Give a Caption & Description for your wBots as indicated in the below picture.
WBots are created based on record states:
- Record Created: This WBot will be executed when a new record is created.
- Record Updated: This WBot will be executed when a new record or existing records is updated.
- Scheduler Settings: This WBot will be executed based on scheduler settings.
- Email Integration: This WBot will be executed based on email integration configurations.
- Comment: This WBot will be executed when a comment is added in record.
You can click on any of the state to create a WBot.
Record Created: This wbots will be executed when a new record is created.
Record Updated: This wbots will be executed when a new record or existing records are updated
Scheduler Settings: This wbots will be executed based on scheduler settings, Like record creating or updated time, selecting work calendar, Region and Time Zone selections.
Email Integration: This WBots will be executed based on email integration configurations, Email type New or Replied.
Comment: This wbots will be executed when a comment is added in record activity.
To create a WBots, we have to specify a condition. You can add a single condition or multiple conditions as per your requirement.
Info Condition: You can select the properties based on the record.
- Created by
- Modified by
- Created time
- Modified Time
- State
The fields in value(s) change as per the property you have selected.
Data Condition: You can create WBots by using the data controls of the app in Property, The fields in Property and value(s) change as per the data controls in the app you have selected.
- You can also add additional Info conditions and Data conditions by clicking on Add Condition button.
- You can also specify AND | OR for conditions, if you want to satisfy either both the conditions or any one of the conditions respectively.
- Create Record: You can create a single record using this action.
- Create Records: You can create multiple records using this action by selecting multivalue data control.
- Update Current Record: You can update current record of the same app using this action. Here you can select the record status from the dropdown as well as you can set static or dynamic data for each data control in the app. If you are not certain about the data, you can select Ignore option.
- Update Records: You can update the record in current app and the record in another app using this action. Here you can select the record status from the dropdown as well as you can set static or dynamic data for each data control in that app. If you are not certain about the data, you can select Ignore option.
- In this action you will also find Info and data filters for the application selected.
- Info filters: You can filter the records by selecting property based on user who created the record, time of record creation, record modified time, state of record. The fields in value(s) change as per the property you have selected.
- Data Filters: The fields in Property and value(s) change as per the data controls in the app you have selected.
- Create Project: You can create project using this action.
- After creating the project, you can create and monitor all tasks of the project related over here directly from the platform solutions tab.
- Notify: You can send an email-based notification on the Select condition(s) above. Recipients can be custom (anyone), users in your platform or from your app data.
- Recipients will receive email notification upon create or update of record and reply to the comments in activity stream based on properties and selected conditions.
- Email Subject and body are pre-defined can be customizable according to requirement.
- Clicking on the request link can directly land on to the Record.
- Sms: You can send SMS to user or Group of users by adding the recipients or directly adding custom phone numbers, who are the part of the system. When the record is created or updated. You can also set delay action before staring the WBots.
- Comment: You can add comments directly to the activity stream by creating a WBots, when the record is created or updated, comment input based on selection of a Data source Email body or Email Subject. You can also set delay action before starting the WBots.
There are different types of statuses are shown based on the Bot Triggered & Triggered Data.
- Started
- Scheduled
- Completed
- Failed
- Canceled
- Wbots can be Enabled / Disabled & Deleted by selecting the content icon button (Three Dots)
- We can filter the Wbots triggered records based on Triggered by, time, status & action Type.