How to apply Advanced filters?

  • Applying filters in the Wavity platform is a simple process that can be done for any lists or reports. There are two types of filters available: Direct Filters and Advanced Filters.
  • Example to apply direct filters is shown below. Direct Filters are easily accessible through dropdown boxes located beside advanced filters. These filters can be customized according to your requirements during implementation.
  • To apply Direct Filters, click on the desired filter option such as “Type” in the Inventory Application and select an Asset Type, such as “Desktop”.
  • You can apply multiple options from the dropdown.
  • Example for applying advanced filters is shown below. Advanced Filters offer more customization options and can be accessed by clicking on the “Advanced Filters” button.
  • Select the field dropdown as shown in the below image. It will show all the form fields in the current application.
  • Select relevant form field to apply advanced filters
  • We provide multiple operators to apply Advanced filters. Select Equal filters as shown below.
  • Select ‘Value’ as shown below. So currently we have applied filters for Asset State equal to assigned.
  • Now, You can also apply multiple filters with “And” & “Or” Option. “And” option can apply both filters if both conditions are satisfied. “Or” option can apply filter even if one condition is satisfied.
  • In this example, We will be applying “And” filter. Select form field, operator and Value as shown below.
  • After selecting the desired filters, click on the “Apply” button to apply the filters to the list or report.
  • Operator Controls and Usage.
  • The Wavity platform offers various options and operators to help you customize your filters according to your needs.
  • Below are description of all operators for a form field (Except date and time field):
  • "Equal" displays items where the selected form field matches the selected value.
  • "Not Equal" displays items where the selected form field does not match the selected value.
  • " In" displays items where the selected form field matches one or more of the selected values.
  • "Not In" displays items where the selected form field does not match any of the selected values.
  • "Like" displays items where the selected form field matches a value or pattern

"Prefix" displays items where the selected form field matches to the group of letters or words added at the beginning of a word.

"Suffix" displays items where the selected form field matches to the group of letters or words added at the end of a word.

"Empty" displays items where the selected form field is empty and has no value.

"Not Empty" displays items where the selected form field is not empty and has a value.

  • Example below explains usage of “In” Operator. Select “In” Operator as shown below.
  • Now you can select 2 values as shown in the below image. You can apply the filters now
  • Below are description of all operators for a form field which is a date field:

"Equal": Selected form field matches with the selected value, such as the current day, current month, or a selected date from the calendar.

"Not Equal": Selected form field does not match with the selected value, such as the current day, current month, or a selected date from the calendar.

"Less Than": Selected form field is before the selected date.

"Less or Equal": Selected form field is before or on the selected date.

"Greater Than": Selected form field is after the selected date.

"Greater or Equal": Selected form field matches shall be greater than or equal to the selected date.

"Between": Selected form field shall consist of all values within the specified start and end dates.

"In past": Selected form field shall consist of all values that occurred before the selected date.

"Due In": Selected form field shall consist of all values due on the selected date.

"Older than": Selected form field shall consist of all values that occurred before the selected date.

  • Example below explains usage of “Equal” Operator in Date and Time Field. Select “Equal” Operator as shown below.
  • You can select either value as required such as Current Date, Current Day, Current Month, Currently Month and Year, Current Year etc. and get all the values in the list after applying filter.
  • In this example we will select the date from the calendar. Click on “ Choose from Calendar”.
  • Click on “mm-dd-y” box as shown in the below image to select the Day/Month/Year.
  • Choose the required date from the calendar to apply the filter.
  • Example below explains usage of “Between” Operator in Date and Time Field. Select “Between” Operator. Select the Date range (First Date and Last Date) from the calendar and apply filter
  • Wavity also provides “Search bar” option as shown below to apply filters through the use of Keywords.